Japan’s secrecy law

"Quand on enferme la vérité sous terre, elle s’y amasse, elle y prend une force telle d’explosion, que, le jour où elle éclate, elle fait tout sauter avec elle. On verra bien si l’on ne vient pas de préparer, pour plus tard, le plus retentissant des désastres."

Émile Zola (1840-1902)

(Extrait de la lettre "J’Accuse... ! Lettre au Président de la République, M. Félix FAURE")

(When truth is buried underground, it grows and it builds up so much force that the day it explodes it blasts everything with it. We shall see whether we have been setting ourselves up for the most resounding of disasters, yet to come.)

(Excerpt of the letter "I accuse... ! Letter to the President of the Republic, M. Félix FAURE")
on tanakaryusaku.jp website:【秘密保護法】 人権団体が懸念表明 「法の支配が及ばない」


[Translation and notes © Shelley Temchin and Jean-Max Guieu, Georgetown University, 2001]



The hasty passage of the secrecy law has made me think that some leaders have urgent issues to desperately hide. In other words, they are afraid that the truth will hurt them soon. I can think of two of them.

First, it is about health effects from Fukushima.

Second, it is about Japan’s bad economy. The Japanese leaders may think that Japan’s bankruptcy is near and the only exit may be a war.

In short, it is not the Japanese citizens, but it is those leaders who have to be afraid of being punished.
